"The Sick Rose" by William Blake |
The rose is sick. Rose is a symbol of love and beauty. She is decaying since contracted the disease. The rose’s bed of “crimson joy” may be a sexual image. The worm has a “dark secret love” that destroys the rose’s life, tells us anything that is able to bring a person down. The poem also tells us that the rose is not innocent of her destruction. It seems like the rose has already been experiencing some kind of lustful passion before. It is possible that the “worm” who is destroying the rose’s life is her partner who has contracted some sexual disease and passed it to her in their joy on the bed.
I can use this poem in the classroom to the consequences that they will face if they fail to make precise analysis on the subject of sexuality. This poem will give them the dark side of human nature thus, assist them to be more careful when choosing a partner. One must be responsible and sensible for their doings.
I can use this poem in the classroom to the consequences that they will face if they fail to make precise analysis on the subject of sexuality. This poem will give them the dark side of human nature thus, assist them to be more careful when choosing a partner. One must be responsible and sensible for their doings.