Saturday, April 28, 2012

~“I HAVE A DREAM” by Martin Luther King, Jr. ~

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. 
-Martin Luther King, Jr.-

I’m supposed to read up page 83 to 86 in the module and write a review about it. It’s a speech written by Martin Luther King, Jr. entitled “I have a dream”. I’m sure everyone has a dream. It’s common to humans. 

Well, reading it is one difficult task. I kept asking myself, “What is so special about this guy? What did he write? Why is he so famous? What is so special about this speech?

I “googled” some information about it and found out that this a 17-minute public speech delivered on August 28, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. during the Civil Rights March in which he called for racial equality and an end to discrimination. It is then taken as an ideal model to stimulate and inspire public speaking. 

Wow! I got to read an ideal model of public speaking. So, I took the effort and read the lengthy speech. I need to be disciplined and stayed focus when I read it. After reading it, I can say that this speech:
  •  is lengthy indeed, but it’s worth to read it;
  • has a frequent repetition of “one hundred years later” (later I found out that it’s called anaphora);
  • has repetitive words like freedom, Negro and dream (it’s also known as key themes);
  • has metaphors to highlight the contrast between discrimination and justice that make it more interesting.